Welcome to our Newest Board Members

Amy Brown - Operations Director for Sullivan County EMS

Amy Brown - Operations Director for Sullivan County EMS

Amy Brown, Operations Director for Sullivan County EMS has been appointed by the County Commission to serve on the Sullivan County Emergency Communications Board.  Mrs. Brown’s term of office will be from September 1, 2021, to August 31, 2025.

Mrs. Brown is a Tennessee licensed paramedic and has worked in emergency services for most of her adult life.  She has served as the Operations Director at Sullivan County EMS since 2016.  Mrs. Brown was “Employee of the Year 2011” for Sullivan County EMS.  She received the leadership aware and served as class president at Walter’s State Community College in 2011-2012.  She was on the President’s list every semester.  She is currently attending Columbia Southern University with a December 2021 expected graduation. 

Drew Deakins - Sullivan West Firefighter

Drew Deakins - Sullivan West Firefighter

Andrew “Drew” Deakins has been appointed by the County Commission to serve Terry Jones remaining term on the Sullivan County Emergency Communications District Board of Directors.  Mr. Jones resigned in June 2021.  Mr. Deakins will serve from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2024.

Mr. Deakins has been in emergency services for almost 30 years.  He has been a member of Sullivan West Fire Department since 1994.  His professional career is in communications, public relations, marketing, and outreach.  He has been the recipient of many awards throughout his career. 

We welcome Amy and Drew to our Board and look forward to working with them in the future.